Thursday, April 21, 2011

We are home!

Hi, it's me Chloe

Mom came up to Lubland last night then brought us home this morning. We had to ride in that carrier thingy, some call it the PTU (prisoner transport unit) , this time it was a weally big thingy.  I think it's that woffie, Lucy's, it sure smelled like her! Pewwwwww!! You remember Lucy, she is that woffie that OUR mom, and dad, call the grandpuppy!

Anyway, we are home now and riding in that big thingy did not help my attitude. I still belted out a tune all the way home. This time Mom was listening to Contemporary Christian music, it was a little better than that Bluegrass, that hurts my very sensitive ears! You know, I am a princess and should be asked what I want to listen to when I have to ride in that PTU thingy!

I will leave you wif dis,

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.~ Confucius



  1. Glad you two are home now.Glad you sung your way home. We usually sing like crazy too when we are in the dreaded PTU. At least it was a big PTU. Take care and have a great week end.

  2. Hi Kitties, It is good you came by,you both look adorable.
    I am glad you had a big PTU its for your safety .
    Licks Grumpy Bobby
