Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

It's me Cecil.  I had fun yestewday while my Mom was at wook, I wedecowated the bafroom and me thinks it turned out pwetty good!

Mom:    Well, I do not know how it happened but Cecil locked himself in the bathroom while I was at work. Luckily, I got off early.
When I got home, I opened the door and was surprised that Cecil was not waiting for me at the top of the stairs as he usually does.  When I got to the top of the stairs, I heard a faint meow and knew that something was not quite right. I tried to open the bathroom door and it was locked. I could hear him crying so I ran into the kitchen, got a chopstick to open the door, only to realize that the lock was not a hole but a groove. Back to the kitchen and grabbed a butter knife which fit perfect to unlock the door. I hesitated, wondering what I would find......

After I opened the door, Cecil ran out and this IS what I found!

Cecil:   Well heck, what's a kitty to seeed a bafroom in need of had plenty   of time!  Do dis qualify fow the Shabby Chic?

Me's Tawented!
Chloe , the inspector.
Chloe:  Me tinks  brodder did a pwetty fine job in wedecowating!

Mom: I am thankful that we did not have a bigger mess..if you know what I mean!

We will leave you with this:

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Are you part DOG? That's a paper-crafting trick that we (or should I say I) have been known to experiment with! (It's FUN, isn't it?)

    We'll be back!
    Jake and Fergi

  2. Hi Cecil! We came over because our friend Jake and Fergie from Two Special Wires mentioned you at our blog - and we just adore them so we knew you had to be some awesome kitties!

    Cecil, we understand about the redecorating - we have done that too (even when not stuck in the bathroom). And we have been know to get ourselves locked into the bathroom a few times also!

    We see you are already following a bunch of great blogs - we don't know if you have had a chance to visit the cat blogosphere yet but we highly recommend it if you haven't! And of course we would love it if you came by to meet us too!

  3. Hey, you're all Chic and no Shabby after that work, bravo!

  4. Oh, we saw your comment about the cat blogosphere - it is a great place where all the blogging cats hang out - it is wonderful and really supportive and well, we recommend just heading over - here is their link.

  5. OK. We've gotta give Moma a break. She's been busy busy busy trying to help us catch up. And now she finally realizes that she knows both Brian AND Bruce. And for some lame reason, gets them confused. We've decided that's just the way momas are sometimes.

    Hope you found the cat blogosphere! Amy and her House of Cats are a wonderful bunch to introduce you to it! They've even got parties that go on some of the time, and some of 'em even like us pups!

    Happy weekend. Enjoy Lubeland.
    Jake and Fergi
