Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We wewe invited to play in a fun Meme!

Ouw Fuw buddies at Katnip Lounge,
Inbited us to play a fun Meme!
Do you noose dem? Go see theiw Catio..it is  sooooo  cool-e-oo!

Fiwst, Wees have to answew da questions below, den pass it on to thwee fwiends!

1.  Where do you like to hang out?
Wees like to hang out evewy whewe!

On Mom and Dad's bed!
See me!

Dat's Chloe on the 'lil beans bed!
We weally like da Sun Puddles!
See Chloe, she's sleeping.

Dis is Chloe's favowite place....she likes to make suwe I type da wight stuffs!

Yes Chloe,  I spelled you name wight!

2.  Who is our Kitty Crush?

Although she has nevew met him, Chloe is in lub wit da handsome boy named Kitty aka Moder!
He is a big Mancat dat lives wit ouw hu-man sistew, Erin!

As fow me, I like to play da field and any bombshell will do!

3.  What is your Favorite Scent?

     Dat is easy peasy.........

Dis is ouw Favowite! Wees wants you to noose dat Mom did not get compensated in any way, shape ow fowm    fow telling youse about it!   WE LOVE DA FLAKES!!!!!!! Da smell is DEEEVINE!

4.  What is you favorite TV show?

     Wees do not like TV.  Now, Winston lubs da Animal Planet but the only ting we likes is da DVR!

Do you know how toasty it feels to sit back hewe?  Although Mom does not tink this place is appwopwiate, we sneaked up hewe all da time!

5.  What is your favorite movie?

  Dat is pwetty easy...we watches dis during the summew when da 'lil beans stay ober night!

The Cat in the Hat

6.  What is your best piece of Feline Advice?
  Not advice but wees like it!

A meow massages the heart. - Stuart McMillan

Last, but not least, we need to pass dis fun Meme on to thwee bloggie buddies.. Ready..Set...Go!

1.  Eric and Flynn

2.   Mr. Puddy

3.   Cody

Have fun,  wees can't wait to see all da answews!  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Cecil here:

We've  had quite a weekend, starting Fwiday with the awival of Miss Lucy! Mom likes it when she comes to bisit but Chole...Not So Much!  Chloe goes on stwike and hides undew bed da whole time Lucy is hewe!  Youse wemebew Lucy?


Luckily, Mom took Lucy wit her for da Satuwday jog. Mom said Lucy pulled her up the hill the fiwst half of da jog,  den she pulled Lucy the  last pawt!  We stayed home for some Peace and Quiets,  and Bird TV!

My favorite place in the office.
 As you can see, dis is one awesome places to watch Bird TV.   Also,  dis time of the year,  I see all da beans in da pool!

Winston and Lucy got to take a wide to da Doggy Pawk!  Winston does not like to get in da car and Mom is tempting him wit tweats, but  Lucy would wather be in da car then any other place!

Two goof balls chasing a ball!

Dis guy thought he was Rico Suave..Lucy was not impwessed!

Lucy says "I am getting the heck out of Dodge"
Someone asked Mom if Winston was a show dog!!

Dad made suwe they wewe  hydwated!
Mom was thankful Lucy didn't see da swim pool!

When they came home, both took a nappy den Lucy's mom came to get hew. Boy, was Chloe doing the Happy Dance all ovew da house!

So, today is Memowial Day.

Mom twied to take Winston for da run.  Poow 'lil guy, he just isn't a wunnew unless he cases da ball. Mom said she gives up and will just take him on walkies.  Dis is what he does on a run!
Sniff..Sniff, Sniff

Mom, can't we stop fow a bweak!

I am toooooooooooo tiwewd.

So, dat's da way..I like it!

Easy, peasy weekend!  Hope  youws was good too!

Now,  Me will shut da door and take a nap!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Saturday HoP

I will be linking with:

Wees hope you have a gweat Memorial weekend.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday Madness!

Boy, have wees been busy!  Wees don't even noose where da stawt!

Fwiday Dad, and Winston, came down to the Condo. Wees don't want to admit it, but wees did miss da 'lil guy! Mom took him for da walkies awound da lake while we stayed home so Dad could give us some extra special loving!
Winston,  always sniffing!

He liked this birdie..wished wees wewe there!

Such a cute family
After the walks awound da lake, wees visited with Winston.

See me, I stalk him!

Satuwday wees went to Lubland for da weekend!

Getting ready for da ride!
The fiwst thing, Mom and Dad took Winston to the doggie pawk so wees could have some peace and quiet.  The stowy goes like dis:

Winston was being a pain in the Butt at the pawk. He was gwowling and snippy wit da udder dogs! Mom told him he had to be good, or they would have to leave. Guess what Winston did...he peed on hew leg!!!  All da other humans laughed and so did Mom! One guy says "Boy, he sure told you!

Boy, he was da bad boy but he settled down fow da west of the weekend.

On Sunday, Mom and Dad gave him a bath because he was STINKY!!  Mom says he did pwetty good and sure did smell bettew!

Then they took him to his berry fiwst Festival in Old Town Fort Collins. He had a good time but so did we  staying home watching Birdie TV!
Such a good boy!
The Music Maker
Dad weally liked the festival because thewe wewe soooo many Belly Dancews!  He thought they wewe pwetty cute!

I gotta Banana!!
Big Sun Puddle!

Goodbye fow now!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Furry Friday!

Hi, its me Cecil!

Boy what a week wees had wit da wain and biggy hails dat scaaword da beejeebies out of us!  Wees so happy it's Fwiday cuz Mom, and Dad, will be home all da weekend! Yipeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

For nows, wees have to wait until Mom gets home fwom da wowking pawlace.  Wees don't like hew going der but she says dats whewe she gets da gween papews to buy tweets! When she says dat, we tinks she  bettew stawt going evewyday!

Fow Now, I am going back to sweep! Nite Nite!

Awww, my cozy bed!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday's Tail's

Winston here:

Hewe we is again! Mom says da time just flies by and she cant's beweave it's alweady Thuwsday!

Me just takes it as it comes...one day justus flow into da other. It's been so wainy hewe in Colowado dat de onlies tings ta do is, have a spot of tea, wead a good book, go out to do my business, den back in da houses to wead!

I want ta compwain cuz wees havent been gone to da doggy pawk to chases da ball!!! Whats a guy ta do????  Me tinks will have to protest if da sun doesn't comes out.  Fow now, back to weading!

I founded dis in da books:
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill

Monday, May 16, 2011

We finally have the 'puter back!

Hi, Wees are all here this morning!
Mom finally got the 'puter back but it still isn't working right and it may have to go back for an extended stay in da hospital.
Mom is not very happy about that because she bought an Apple thinking she wouldn't have any problems..HaHaHa! Now, less than a year later, we have a messed up mess!

Wees decided to have our say now before this 'puter blows up!

Did ya have a good weekend? We sure did!

Hi, it's me Winston,

Fiwst Mom says to tell you it's ten in da morning and she has not hit the wine bottle..you will understand when youse see da video of me watching da Animals Planets! Mom was laughing so hawd dat she forgets to turn da flashy box awound. Please dont's hurt your necks when youse watch it!
We's hoped you didn't hurt youse neck! Did ya hear the puppies crying? Well, I sure did!

Today is a lazy day..some call it Mancat Monday so Cecil is just laying in the sun puddles!

Awww, splendor in da sun!
Hi, it's me Cecil!

A guy just wants to relax, in his own sun puddle, and what happens but that stoopid woffie wants to go nose to nose!

Geeshhhhh, I am trying to take a nap!
I am weally trying to be patient with him but he's not too smart! Mom puts some kind of stinky brown stuff in his toy and he will play for da longest time trying to get it out..Are You Kidding Me..how undignified!
Sees him! Geeshhhh, Give It UP!
I'd bettew let Chloe put her two centsas in before this 'puter bites da dust!

Hi, it's ME, Chloe!

Cecil tinks he has da problems...I am da only girl..Putting up wit da mens is not dat easy. Oh, Cecil tinks hes so smart, He got in Moms cupboard...AGAIN!!!!  Man, can't youse learns when she says NO, she means dat!

He looks innocent!

Da boy never listens!
Anyways, wees hopes you have a good week. I am just going to take a nap in my favOrite sun puddle!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hi, it's me Winston!

Hi, Winston here:

So far, so goods..the 'puter is still working. Chloe wanted on today, but I beat her to it!

Cecil told you about da weekend but he saved the best for me!

Guess were I gotta go last Monday? 
I gotta go to one of the 'lil bean's ballgames. Mom tinks it was my first time cuz I was ascared of da noise. Well, in my own defenses..it was very windy too,  I DID NOT like the sand that got all over my pwetty furs!

Dat's E, one of dem 'lil beans.

It's calm now, but boy was the loud voices going on later!
I figured out, nobody likes those mens in the long gray pants!
Hope they don't sees my gray furs!
Hehe..Dad's not saying "talk to da hand"
He says "don't take a picture of me my hair is blowing straight up"!!
Dat's our 'lil bean..he hit dat ball really far.

I tink I could play dat game.   I like to go catch the ball, I am a really fast runner. Well, I am a fast runner when I can catch da ball...I am just a little slow when Mom wants me to be her running partner..B.O.R.I.N.G!

Mom said..Yeah, it's Friday!  Hope youse feel da same!

Fur now, me's leave you wit dis:

“Lady Nancy Astor: Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea.
Churchill: Nancy, if I were your husband, I'd drink it.”

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday's Tail's

Hi Cecil here:

It's been a few days since we's been on the 'puter.   Mom said the hard drive is sick and we have to take it to the hospital. We's were going to do dat today but it is raining and pouring outside!

Instead, we will get cached up on the last week, dat is if the 'puter doesn't die!

Ok, wheres to start?  Oh, Winston met Lucy last week! Gosh, another woffie in the house was more then I could stand but Winston thought she was Okey Dokey!
I will stay right here until one of them leaves!
Dat's Lucy
Dat's Erin ( da IronWoman) and Emma ( da Dancer) they're Lucy's Peeps.
Them's  meeting Winston for da first time!
What's she whispering in his ear?

After they left, we's went to Lubland for da weekend! Boy, did we's have some fun there running up and down the stairs.  Also, I climbed on top of the cabinets but Mom was too slow dis time for the flashy box, but she had a picture from a different time to showed you.

Dat's Winston..remember him?
HeHe... Looked at Chloe's tail, what's she looking at?
Can you see Winston..When mom doesn't looked,  I walk on dat rail!
She gets mad,  cuz  I falled and Chloe did too.
I lub da house in Lubland! 
Bet nobody can see me!  Next, I will climb to the very top.

Chloe likes dis spot so she can watch Bird TV..all day long.
We's hoped you are having a good week!

Fur now, we's will leave you with dis:

Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.
Douglas Jerrold