Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Holy Guacamole..she did it again!
Yep, that's hooman forgotted it was my birthday.
Yesterday I turned FIVE!
FIVE is a milestone!
Did I get a nip treat...NO
Did I get a new toy....NO
Did I get the SHAFT...YES!!!
Oh, she has her excuses...WORK..Working late, the cold weather..
Blah, Blah, Blah...
Hint.. Hint, MOM this is what I want...a new nip toy!
Happy Birthday to ME!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Back to School
We gotted a backpack from SARGE!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it??
We are so excited and we will use it wiff pride!
Lookie, Here it is...
Purple, our FAVORITE color..
Wiff BIRDIES..well what respectable cat wouldn't like that??? out you vermin!!!
A Martonni Glwass???
Where in the Heck did that come froms??????????
Iffin you don't have anything better to do, you can go visit the Woofer...HERE
Thanks again, Sarge!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mancat Monday!
Today is 'bout the boys!
We have Me....Cecil
I have Bling!
Then there is Winston
MOL...I'm in his bed!!!
Of Course there is Dad and all of the Two-Legger kids and Grandson's..
That would add about 10 more, so I won't put up all of their picshuwes!
Butt...GUESS WHAT!!!!!???
We added one more 'lil peep today!!!
7 lbs 13oz 19.5 inches
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mancat Monday!!
Hi, Cecil here!
I want to give a biggie shout out to:
All of the Hosts that pawticipated in the Olympics,
To Sarge for keeping the Law and Order
And to Mayor Frankie Furter for his undying support of Blogville!!
I'm sitting on the desk, watching Mom type...
She has been working on posties for that silly D*O*G, Winston,
and neglecting this bloggy!!!
I said, "Move over Woman and let me use the 'puter!!"
Finally, the 'puter is MINE!!!!!
I can't believe the Olympic Games are over...
Now what is there to do??..
No more training..
No more Events to compete in .....
I had so much fun visiting all of the hosts..
Seeing all of the Supper Dooper Athletes!!!
What's a guy to do??
Dream of 2014
The Winter Games
I want to give a biggie shout out to:
All of the Hosts that pawticipated in the Olympics,
To Sarge for keeping the Law and Order
And to Mayor Frankie Furter for his undying support of Blogville!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
New Blog Hop!
Two Little Cavaliers posted information on a new blog hop, it sounds like and raises awareness for shelters and rescue groups!
We plan to 'bout you?
We plan to 'bout you?

Sunday, August 5, 2012
Blogville Olympics
Today we are entered in the Camera Avoidance Tae Kwon Do event hosted by Mayzie!
Chloe in complete Avoidance!
The woffie, Winston!
Hope your enjoying the Olympics...head over to the stadium and watch this weekend's events!
Saturday 4th August
Declan: Tuneful Farting
Casey: Keep Away
Mayzie: Camera Avoidance Tae Kwon Do
These events will most definitely keep you on the edge of your stadium seat!
We are continually amazed to see the raw talent of the Blogville Athletes!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
RIP Aimée
This was to be my post, scheduled for this morning.
Unfortunately, our sweet friend, Aimee, has left our world to travel to the Rainbow Bridge.
My heart is breaking for her mother, Marilia, she needs our support today and in the days to come. Please stop by and give her some love.
~ Chloe, Cecil, Winston and Mom Shawn~
![]() |
Copied from Brian's page. |
Unfortunately, our sweet friend, Aimee, has left our world to travel to the Rainbow Bridge.
My heart is breaking for her mother, Marilia, she needs our support today and in the days to come. Please stop by and give her some love.
~ Chloe, Cecil, Winston and Mom Shawn~
Friday, August 3, 2012
End of the first week of Olympic Coverageas seen on Winston's blog!
Here we are at the end of the first week and what a week it has
been, starting with the opening speech by Mayor Frankie Furter of
Blogville!!! We then pawticipated in the most pawsome Parade of
Athletes. It was breathtaking watching each Olympic athlete walk
proudly for his, or her, country!
Iffin you missed any of the events, you can click on the links below.
We want to give a Biggie Shout Out to all of the amazing hosts who put in countless hours of their valuable time to round up the athletes, it musta been like Herding Cats to get all of them to their registered events! Go here to see a wonderful video (made by Mona, Weenie and their Mom) of the Hosts!!
We hope to see you at the Olympic Stadium! Who nose iffin we are entered in any more events..(MOM) butt we will be there to cheer for everypawdy!!
Iffin you missed any of the events, you can click on the links below.
We want to give a Biggie Shout Out to all of the amazing hosts who put in countless hours of their valuable time to round up the athletes, it musta been like Herding Cats to get all of them to their registered events! Go here to see a wonderful video (made by Mona, Weenie and their Mom) of the Hosts!!
Friday 27th July
Posey: Parade of Athletes
Roo: OPENING Extravaganza
Jazzi: Window Nose Art
Oscar: Crazy Sleeping Singles and Synchronized Sleepers
WHN: Cross Neighborhood Walkabout and Catch me IF you Can
Benny and Lily: Beach Ball
Lily Bell and Muffin: Couch Potato Peeling
Wednesday 1st August
Mona and Weenie: Tongue Curling/Raspberry and Critter Stalking
Pip: Discus / Frisbee
Bert: Pole Jumping
Puddles: Digging
We hope to see you at the Olympic Stadium! Who nose iffin we are entered in any more events..(MOM) butt we will be there to cheer for everypawdy!!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
We interrupt today's Olympic programming to bring you this special pawnouncement!
Woo Hoo.. Somebody is having a birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday, Lori!! We hope you enjoy your special Day!!
We heard from a very reliable source, our Most Honorable Mayor Frankie Furter, that Sarge's mom, Lori, is celebrating her special day!
Let's all go over and give her some love!
Birthday To You •*♫♪¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Happy ♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪ Birthday To You ♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪ Happy Happy ♥ ♥ ♥
Birthday Dear Lori ♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Happy ♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪... Birthday
♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪... To You ♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪... and many
more¸¸....•*¨*•♫♪. Happy Birthday!!!!!!~CHLOE, CECIL AND WINSTON~
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Hi, Winston, Chloe and Cecil here!
We have FIRED our secwetawy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeppers, she was given a write up when Winston's entry for Window Nose Art was not received by the Olympic Committee!!
How many days ago was that..Let's see.... O*N*E !!!!!!
To our DISMAY...our entries in Synchronized Sleeping were not received by the committee!!!! What the HECK??? She musta sent our entry forms to the wrong addy!!! Do you nose how long we twained for that event????????
Day after Day, long agonizing hours of twaining!! From early morning, right after breakky, all the way until she handed out our measly treats..THEN.. after our skimpy dinner of kibble...we continued into the wee hours of night!!!
We were ready to pawticipate only to find out we were not entered!!!
She received her Pink Slip this morning!
Our Mom has been demoted to our cook, water-dish washer and pooper scooper!
Iffin you, or any one you nose, is looking for employment please fill out this application. The pay is not very good but we do offer benefits, which include lots of licks, head buts, love, cuddles and undying loyalty (unless you make too many mistakes) !!!!!
Now, without further complaining, we will show you are marvelous entries in Synchronized Sleeping!!
Good help is hard to find!
Sumtimes if you need a job done, it's easier to just do it yourself!!
Now to the good news!! Since we were not entered, we went to the Olympic Stadium to cheer on our fellow athletes!
The Sleeping Event was fantabulous, the pawticipants worked tirelessly during their twaining!!
Please visit Oskar, the O- Fish -All Judge for Single (and Synchronized)!
After the Sleeping Competition was over we had a little lunch..
..then wandered over to the Bouncing Event where another group of Superb Athletes gave their best performance for the countries they represented! Not only were they required to show their athleticism BUTT were also required to write a little narrative for the spectator's enjoyment!! Please, Please visit Bouncing Bertie ( another handsome dude who looks like Winston!) and see the continuation of today's games!
We have FIRED our secwetawy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeppers, she was given a write up when Winston's entry for Window Nose Art was not received by the Olympic Committee!!
How many days ago was that..Let's see.... O*N*E !!!!!!
To our DISMAY...our entries in Synchronized Sleeping were not received by the committee!!!! What the HECK??? She musta sent our entry forms to the wrong addy!!! Do you nose how long we twained for that event????????
Day after Day, long agonizing hours of twaining!! From early morning, right after breakky, all the way until she handed out our measly treats..THEN.. after our skimpy dinner of kibble...we continued into the wee hours of night!!!
We were ready to pawticipate only to find out we were not entered!!!
She received her Pink Slip this morning!
Our Mom has been demoted to our cook, water-dish washer and pooper scooper!
Iffin you, or any one you nose, is looking for employment please fill out this application. The pay is not very good but we do offer benefits, which include lots of licks, head buts, love, cuddles and undying loyalty (unless you make too many mistakes) !!!!!
Now, without further complaining, we will show you are marvelous entries in Synchronized Sleeping!!
See the precision, our ears are purrfectly in synch!
Cecil must be dreaming he's eating an ice cream cone!
MOL!!! Cecil sleeping in Winston's bed!!
Well, we were sleeping until SHE came in wiff the flashy box!!
Good help is hard to find!
Sumtimes if you need a job done, it's easier to just do it yourself!!
Now to the good news!! Since we were not entered, we went to the Olympic Stadium to cheer on our fellow athletes!
The Sleeping Event was fantabulous, the pawticipants worked tirelessly during their twaining!!
Please visit Oskar, the O- Fish -All Judge for Single (and Synchronized)!
After the Sleeping Competition was over we had a little lunch..
..then wandered over to the Bouncing Event where another group of Superb Athletes gave their best performance for the countries they represented! Not only were they required to show their athleticism BUTT were also required to write a little narrative for the spectator's enjoyment!! Please, Please visit Bouncing Bertie ( another handsome dude who looks like Winston!) and see the continuation of today's games!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Olympic Games 2012
HI, Chloe and Cecil here!!!
We were in the Pawrade of Athletes...we had so much fun meeting all the other pawticpants. Good Luck to All!!!
Today, we woke Mom up at the booty crack of dawn so we could go to the Olympic Stadium!! We are entered in a few events butt today is our rest day so off we went to watch today's swim meet and window nose art competishuns!
Each event has been AMAZING and we are in awe of all of the Athlete's!
First we saw the 2012 Swimming Competishun and contrary to poopular beleif, sum kitties like to swim!!! Can you BELIEVE IT????? Well itz true!! You will NOT see us in the waters!! No way, No how!! We understand sum woffies (not our brofur) like to swim butt kitties in the water???!!! Anywho, it was a fun time watching the dedicated athletes glwide thorough the water!
Please, if you missed the swimming competishun, head over to Sarge's bloggy beclaws he has all the skinny ( not skinny dip), make sure you see all of today's events starting wiff the Minnows and ending wiff Whales!! Oh, and you must see Puddles who is the official Lifeguard, Winston fell head over tails for that beauty!!
Next we wondered through the Olympic Village, did a little shopping then off to the Nose art Competishun!
Our secwetawy (MOM) thought she entered Winston butt, as usual, she must have messed up cuz his sorry self did not have an entry..MOL!!!!!!! Since he has been sulking, wiff tail tucked, we will show his artwork!! Gessssshhhhh Winston, get over it!!!!!!
To see the Nose Art event, just head over to Jazzi's and take a looky loo! The talwent of these Awtists is seen in each amazing canvas!
Enjoy your time at the Olympics...see you tomorrow!!!
We were in the Pawrade of Athletes...we had so much fun meeting all the other pawticpants. Good Luck to All!!!
Today, we woke Mom up at the booty crack of dawn so we could go to the Olympic Stadium!! We are entered in a few events butt today is our rest day so off we went to watch today's swim meet and window nose art competishuns!
Each event has been AMAZING and we are in awe of all of the Athlete's!
First we saw the 2012 Swimming Competishun and contrary to poopular beleif, sum kitties like to swim!!! Can you BELIEVE IT????? Well itz true!! You will NOT see us in the waters!! No way, No how!! We understand sum woffies (not our brofur) like to swim butt kitties in the water???!!! Anywho, it was a fun time watching the dedicated athletes glwide thorough the water!
Please, if you missed the swimming competishun, head over to Sarge's bloggy beclaws he has all the skinny ( not skinny dip), make sure you see all of today's events starting wiff the Minnows and ending wiff Whales!! Oh, and you must see Puddles who is the official Lifeguard, Winston fell head over tails for that beauty!!
Next we wondered through the Olympic Village, did a little shopping then off to the Nose art Competishun!
Mom bought this lovely bracelet
Winston bought these to cheer on the pawticipants!
We bought this cool poster!
Our secwetawy (MOM) thought she entered Winston butt, as usual, she must have messed up cuz his sorry self did not have an entry..MOL!!!!!!! Since he has been sulking, wiff tail tucked, we will show his artwork!! Gessssshhhhh Winston, get over it!!!!!!
To see the Nose Art event, just head over to Jazzi's and take a looky loo! The talwent of these Awtists is seen in each amazing canvas!
Enjoy your time at the Olympics...see you tomorrow!!!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Let the Games Begin!!
Yesserieeeee, Today is the DAY, what we have all been twaining and waiting for..LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
This morning the most Honorable Mayor Frankie gave his opening speech which was absotootlee amazing!
If you missed it, please go here!
Then, my oh my, the Pawrade of Athletes!!! The Pomp and Circumstance, the buff athletes, the commentary by Posie..Amazing wiff a capital A!!!! Iffin you missed the pawrade, you can see the picshures here!
Next, over at Roo's we witnessed the Olympic Torch making it's travels to the Coliseum, then the Olympic Flame Lighting! It was MAGNIFICENT!! You can also see a few...shall we say mishaps..or bloopers, which happened during our most stwenuous twaining!
The bestest fing..the Honorable Mayor Frankie said, WE ARE ALL WINNERS!!! Thank you to Sarge for designing our Olympic Medal for 2012!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Our secwetawy is a slackew!
Hi, Cecil here for Mancat Monday!
As usual, Winston has been getting all of the attenshion! He had the sickies..AGAIN..last week.
He even had to go to the ER!!!
I nose he didn't fweel well, and I used every opportunity to box him on the nose, butt I didn't think he was THAT sick until Mom FREAKED and wisked him off to the Dogtor!!
I'm happy to report, he is doing better and NOW the attenshion can be focused on ME!!
Beclaws he had the sickies, Mom bought him a new bed!! MOL, look who is sleeping in dat bed..ME!!!!!
Suck it up ButterCup!!!! I'm the King of this house!!!
As usual, Winston has been getting all of the attenshion! He had the sickies..AGAIN..last week.
He even had to go to the ER!!!
I nose he didn't fweel well, and I used every opportunity to box him on the nose, butt I didn't think he was THAT sick until Mom FREAKED and wisked him off to the Dogtor!!
I'm happy to report, he is doing better and NOW the attenshion can be focused on ME!!
Beclaws he had the sickies, Mom bought him a new bed!! MOL, look who is sleeping in dat bed..ME!!!!!
Suck it up ButterCup!!!! I'm the King of this house!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
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