Monday, August 13, 2012

Mancat Monday!!

Hi, Cecil here!

I'm sitting on the desk, watching Mom type...

She has been working on posties for that silly D*O*G, Winston,

and neglecting this bloggy!!! 

I said, "Move over Woman and let me use the 'puter!!"

Finally, the 'puter is MINE!!!!!

I can't believe the Olympic Games are over...

Now what is there to do??..

No more  training..

No more Events to compete in .....

I had so much fun visiting all of the hosts..

Seeing all of the Supper Dooper Athletes!!!

What's a guy to do??

Dream of 2014
The Winter Games
Anybody want to start training wiff me??

I want to give a biggie shout out to:
  All of the Hosts that pawticipated in the Olympics,
To Sarge for keeping the Law and Order
And to Mayor Frankie Furter for his undying support of Blogville!!



  1. We've really enjoyed watching effurryone compete, they have all been absolutely great. Glad you finally got the pooter to yourself :)xx

  2. I think you should just whap the keyboard and then take a nap!

  3. Wow, I'm missing the fun olympics too! What a shame that they're over already. But, we can always start training for next time! BOL/MOL!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  4. We're gonna practice lugeing off the sofa!

  5. Cecil, I've already started training for 2014....the Competitive Napping competition!


  6. It was fun but we lost our computer right in the middle so missed out on stuff. Maybe next year....

  7. Me was so smitten my your handsomness, me did not read a word of what yous typed!

  8. shawn, thank you so much for you sweet comment...Cecil, i feel your pain...good help is so hard to find...
