Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr. Seuss Challenge!!

Hi, Chloe and Cecil here!

Along with Winston, we are joining Zoey  (from Zoolatry) and Amber Da Weenie

 in their fun Dr. Seuss Challenge!

Here ye, Here ye!!
It's time to get started,
We are honoring Dr. Seuss,
Not the Dog that Farted!

Today is the challenge 
we'll honor the man,
who wrote the story,
Green Eggs and Ham!

March second his birthday,
born in Nineteen-O-Four.
During sixty long years,
he wrote books galore!

This funny man
 wrote over forty books.
I googled his name,
to take a look.

So many stories,
remember these two?
"The Cat in the Hat"
and "If I ran the Zoo"

I read the words
from Green Eggs and Ham!
“I do not like them,
I do not like green
eggs and ham!

I love funny turtles
as you can see!
Dr. Seuss wrote a book
That spoke to me!

On the big screen today,
 Lorax you can see.
 He lives in the forest,
does he live in a tree?

Dr. Seuss wrote the story,
Happy Birthday to You.
"If He'd never been born,
well what would We do?"

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss,
on this challenge day.
Thank you,  Amber and Zoey,
for letting me play!

I want to give a Shout Out to Mary, my good friend and coworker, who wrote a beautiful poem for my 60th Birthday!  
When I told her about this challenge, she wrote this fun poem to include in my post!

Click on picture to biggify!


  1. Yertle the Turtle and The Lorax are my all time favorites! What a nice poem your friend Mary wrote.

    Your pal, Pip

  2. Wow, what a great rhyme! I forgot all about Yertle. BOL.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  3. Dear Chloe and Cecil and Mommy!
    Wes LOVED your post! Hows yous weaved everything together was fantastic and we really really liked the poem your friend Mary wrote!
    Nelie and Mommy

  4. We love Dr. Seuss
    Oh my, yes we do.
    We learned about him
    from kid one and kid two.

    We've read all their books
    And a few that are new
    And now have favourites
    of our own to view.

    Or favoritest ever,
    by near and by Far
    Is the one about Sneetches
    Which ones wear the star

    It helps us remember
    a very good thing
    Catses can be friends
    With most any thing!

    gus and teka

  5. Bravo! That was some darn good Seussing!

  6. You met the challenge!! Well done!!

  7. That is such a great post for Dr. Seuss. Sorry we didn't get here on time. Loved all the poems. Take care.
