Where do I start? It has been an awful weekend starting with the death of Hubby's sister ( who had terminal cancer) to my 20 mile run followed by Cecil getting very sick on Saturday and a quick visit to the VET.
Yes, Cecil the cat who now has 7 lives left.
Cecil seemed very hungry Friday morning. I left one small can of cat food , in his dish, when I left for work. When I got gone from work, I saw that he only ate a few bites and found him on my bed lying on some clean towels. He was pretty quiet throughout the night. When we went to bed I picked him up and noticed a small amount of clear mucous leaking from his bottom. He appeared tired but nothing else seemed out of order.
Saturday morning I needed to run 20 miles for my Marathon training. I wanted to get up early to beat the heat. Hubby woke up around 5:00 AM, came into the living room to have a cup of coffee and talk about his sister before I left. At the time, Cecil was sitting in the living room but not begging for his breakfast, which was his normal M.O..
I was gone almost 5 hours. When I walked in the door, Hubby was on the phone talking to his son. Immediately, I saw three areas in the Condo where Cecil had vomited. I asked Hubby what was going on, he said he had cleaned up several messes while I was gone. Finally, I found Cecil. My poor little man was so weak he could barely walk, his backside was all wet with mucous...and I was freaking out!
He had been hiding under the bed, and the look on his face made the hairs on my neck stand up.I knew he was in trouble. I called our VET and they said to bring him in within the hour. I took a shower, dressed and off to the VET we went. I did not have to use the PTU. Poor Cecil was so sick, I wrapped him in a towel and off we went.
By then, Hubby and I were both freaking out. Hubby was asking about leukemia, I was thinking of bowel obstruction....
We had never met Dr. Tracy but he was just as caring as Dr. Kim. He poked, prodded, asked many questions about anything Cecil could have ingested and decided to keep him to run lab tests and give SQ fluids. He would call us in 1.5 hours and give us the results. He was optimistic and felt it was something that could be remedied easily. Boy, what a relief!
True to his word, he called on time and had a diagnosis of Pancreatitis. Cecil had ingested something toxic..but what? We may never know...could it be M&M's the grandkids and I were eating? Could it be the Christmas Cactus I got before I brought him here?
We picked him up after he was given SQ fluids, Dexamethasone and a Pen-G injection. Also, he was sent with a weeks supply of RX bland food and amoxicillin to be administered twice a day.
Good news, he is feeling much better today. I have fed him small amounts twice, he takes his ABX without any difficulty and he is using the litter box, no vomiting but no poops yet.
So, that is our ManCat Monday. On our way to full recovery!
Chloe, making sure her brofur, Cecil, is OK. |
Chloe groomed, and loved, Cecil all evening. She stayed next to him, kept him warm and comfy, and made sure he was well taken care of. She is a wonderful sister!